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Boyoka Malinga I (Track)
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This tune is also an attempt to transpose a popular guitar tune well-known in S. Congo and elsewhere onto the Likembe (Mbira) of the district or vice versa. This is made possible by the fact that locally the Bira tribe uses a "heptatonic" scale.
Boyoka Malinga II (short version) (Track)
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As it is not certain whether the guitar or the Likembe version is the original "Boyoka malinga," a short extract of the guitar song is included here for reference. It was recorded in the southern Congo over a thousand miles south, six months previously. It can be heard in full on the I.L.A.M. Music of Africa seri...
Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #1, Type of Music: Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '22nd January 1986: Afternoon Under Palm Shelter (p.1), (includes “Bon Année")/ #3'

Side A. Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Sept. Jan 22 (afternoon)'

Side A of cassette. Louis Sarno's notes on cassette (ms ink) - 'Jan 22 under shelter in afternoon'

Side B...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #2, Type of Music: Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Jan. 22. Afternoon under palm shelter (p.2). Evening: beginning of mbakow dance disrupted by storm'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'January 22nd afternoon under shelter (#2).

[Continues from 1997.21.2.1 - NJL]

Side B: Louis Sarno's notes on line...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #4, Type of Music: Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '#1'

Nothing else listed on cassette or liner card [Noel Lobley 05/05/2010]

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #6, Type of Music: Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '#3'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Big Dance (my second night here)'

Side B: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Big Dance. Geeda w/ Mamadou, end this side

[Noel Lobley 05/05/2010]

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #7, Type of Music: Lullaby, Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '#4'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Flying rhomb (1st 8 minutes) sorry disregard lines'. [Ie. Although crossed out in blue Sarno probably means Flying rhomb content stands' (Noel Lobley 19/05/2010)]. '2. Geeda (Mamadou), with Dewa, Beedyaba,...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #9, Type of Music: Forest ceremony Songs, Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '6. Side A: More forest ceremony songs. P.II'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Forest ceremony songs, Part II

Side B: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Feb. 27 night. Men w/ geeda, P. 2'. [Please note men with Geeda P. I is on 1997.21...

