Browse Titles - 32 results


1-23-84 Information Sheets
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Discussion and illustration of traditional songs of Andhra Pradesh; performance by a bhajan group; Harijan music including funeral music; Karnatak music-instrumental; Hindustani classical music-vocal; Telugu devotional music.
Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #25, Type of Music: Full moon Songs, Children percussion, Elanda, Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '22 (Junk Tape 1)

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Song & dance in morning (3) (March 14) - erased and recorded over: 1. Full moon songs - interrupted by arrival of drunk and bellowing Tété and Singali. 2. Elanda 4th camp same night'

Side B: Loui...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #35, Type of Music: Musical games, Geedal, Men’s dancing duel, Elanda, Eboka
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '08'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Men's dancing duel (part 3). 2. Musical games ('at last!') mid March'

Side B: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Last musical game. 2. Beginning of extraordinary elanda same night (1 minute fr...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #75, Type of Music: Geedal, Ejengi, Esimé,  Eboka, Elanda, Yeyi
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1993. NS 1'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. 29 March night (quarter moon). Ejengi song.// 2. Ibid. Ejengi song & esimé. 3. Ibid. Gongé on flute. 4. ibid. Balonyona on geedal.// 5. 1 April (night) w/ approaching storm: ejengi'

Side B: Louis Sar...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #103, Type of Music: Boyobi, Elanda, Ganokeeta, Divination fire dance
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Tape 5: end 1993'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '19 Dec. night -> late night. Boyobi for Gangba (quarter moon, Yandoumbé) (beautiful song here, search for a really fine rendition of it on this tape, perhaps one exists).

Side B: Louis Sarno's note...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #116, Type of Music: Boyobi, Elanda, Lingoku
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Tape 1 [June '94]

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'I. Songs from boyobi in front of my house (Yondumbé). 2 June night - Followed by a couple of lingoku songs, the whole ceremonial disrupted by storm - concluded with elanda during oncoming storm....

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #167, Type of Music: Mbakou, Gano Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '17 Jan: 2nd Mbakou dance (p.3)/ 17 Jan: 2nd Mbakou dance (p.3) around fire afer 2nd mbakou dance (p.1) 6'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'some nice stuff toward end - checkout'

Side B: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Funny Gano?...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #176, Type of Music: Mondumé, Elanda, Eboka
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '§3 22. 23 May'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Mondumé - lovely (Mobila, another). Just before midway some little jewels by Mobila, possibly Bokau. 2. Eboka (p.1): children'

Side B: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Eboka (continu...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #179, Type of Music: Elanda, Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '0 9'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Mosio on geeda (conclusion)'

Side B: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Elanda in the sun (with Eloba Njongé). 2. Mamadu on geeda'

