Browse Titles - 2 results


The Big Drum Dance of Carriacou
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produced by Andrew Chernocke Pearse (Folkways Records, 1956), 41 mins

The Big Drum Dance is one of the most significant musical rituals on the island of Carriacou in the Grenadines. Really a long series of dances, the Big Drum Dance is prepared for special festivals such as marriage ceremonies, tombstone raisings, fishing boat launchings and in the case of ill-health or ill-fortun...

produced by Andrew Chernocke Pearse (Folkways Records, 1956), 41 mins
Creole Music of Surinam
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produced by Clifford Entes (Folkways Records, 1978), 47 mins

This collection presents the two main genres of Afro-Dutch Guyanese music—Kawina-winti and Kaseko-Opo Poku. Sung in Taki-Taki (a native Creole dialect consisting of English, Dutch, Portuguese, and African languages) this album offers a glimpse into Surinamese life and the music that accompanies it.

produced by Clifford Entes (Folkways Records, 1978), 47 mins