Browse Titles - 57 results


Ente za Kanyororo Abateza (Track)
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In praise of Kanyororo's cattle, of which he was the herdsman. The herd was called 'Abateza,' and because it was so strikingly beautiful to the beholder it would make him shade his eyes and stumble away after looking at them.
Hahirwa Nyiramibambwe (Track)
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This song, used as a lullaby, is in praise of the present Omwami Mutara's grandmother, and recounts her life, her childhood and girlhood, through its various stages till her death. She was both good and beautiful, say the singers. The queen mother's influence at the courts of the Mwami used to be considerable and...
Hulila nduru (Track)
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A song praising the grandfather of the present chief who died, it is said, about 60 years ago (c. 1890).
Igiterane (Track)
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A song to praise chiefs and notables. The chiefs in this country are all Hamitic Tutsi, whose height (generally between 6 and 7 foot tall) is in great contrast to the short pigmoid Twa whom they have ruled for over five centuries. The modality of this song and the complex pattern of the clapping are both notable.
Inyamibwa (Track)
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An authentic Tutsi song in free moving recitative style. The two singers were the leading dancers of Chief Biniga's Ntore team.
Izibongo Dalindyebo (I) (Track)
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Amongst other things they say: "You, Chief, are like a free woman, (a courtesean)" meaning "You are beautifully dressed." "I want a beast with turned down horns." The children shrugged their shoulders down, left and right alternately to imitate the horns.
Izibongo Dalindyebo (II) (Track)
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Amongst other things they say: "You, Chief, are like a free woman, (a courtesean)" meaning "You are beautifully dressed." "I want a beast with turned down horns." The children shrugged their shoulders down, left and right alternately to imitate the horns.
Izibongo (Track)
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These praises were recited by an old woman of about 80 years after the official type of praise. She recalls conversations of the Queen Mother of the Swazi.
Izibongo zika Botha Sigcau (Track)
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