Browse Titles - 13 results


Pfeni nengoma (Track)
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Story of the baboon who kept on jumping on and off a drum till he died. There was a man who had the brilliant idea of putting a pole across the path by which a baboon entered his fields, and a drum on the far side. The baboon leaping over the pole landed on the drum and did a back somersault over the pole again. T...
Talking drums of the Upper Congo (Track)
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This recording of the sound of genuine talking drums was made on the banks of the Congo River near Stanleyville, where the river steamers coming up-stream from Leopoldville, 1000 miles away, are held up by the first rapids named after H. M. Stanley, the great explorer. He first saw them in 1876 on his famous first...
Wasepuka na mbuzi (Track)
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There was once a pair of twin boys who were herding their goats. They decided to try to find out which was the fatter and so they cut each other's stomach open to find out. The second twin died from the wound. A bird saw all this and went to tell their parents. When questioned the other twin lied saying that the s...
