Browse Titles - 259 results


Inkuru nziza (Field Card)
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Chant in honor of Saint Mary Magdalene and of the resurrection of Our Lord. This unaccompanied hymn was composed by a Tutsi who was studying for the priesthood, Abbe Alfred by name. This man was also a notable musician. His proper name was Sebakiga. This song demonstrates the ease with which the particular style o...
Inyamibwa (Track)
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An authentic Tutsi song in free moving recitative style. The two singers were the leading dancers of Chief Biniga's Ntore team.
Vinográdijo, krásno-zeljonijó
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performed by Irina Raspópova, fl. 1993, Irina Raspopova and her Russian-Dutch Ensemble Zhárkaja; in Irina Raspopova and her Russian Dutch ensemble Zarjánka: Zhárkaja Kalína (Pan (Netherlands), 1998), 2 mins
performed by Irina Raspópova, fl. 1993, Irina Raspopova and her Russian-Dutch Ensemble Zhárkaja; in Irina Raspopova and her Russian Dutch ensemble Zarjánka: Zhárkaja Kalína (Pan (Netherlands), 1998), 2 mins
IV. Maria rein, du bist nit klein
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edited by William Hettrick, fl. 1972; composed by Fileno Cornazzani, 1545-1628 (1604), IV. Maria rein, du bist nit klein (Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, Inc., 1977), 6 page(s)
edited by William Hettrick, fl. 1972; composed by Fileno Cornazzani, 1545-1628 (1604), IV. Maria rein, du bist nit klein (Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, Inc., 1977), 6 page(s)
IX. Maria ein Reis, des Paradeis
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edited by William Hettrick, fl. 1972; composed by Carolus Luython, 1577-1620 (1604), IX. Maria ein Reis, des Paradeis (Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, Inc., 1977), 5 page(s)
edited by William Hettrick, fl. 1972; composed by Carolus Luython, 1577-1620 (1604), IX. Maria ein Reis, des Paradeis (Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, Inc., 1977), 5 page(s)
Izibongo Dalindyebo (I) (Track)
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Amongst other things they say: "You, Chief, are like a free woman, (a courtesean)" meaning "You are beautifully dressed." "I want a beast with turned down horns." The children shrugged their shoulders down, left and right alternately to imitate the horns.
Izibongo Dalindyebo (II) (Track)
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Amongst other things they say: "You, Chief, are like a free woman, (a courtesean)" meaning "You are beautifully dressed." "I want a beast with turned down horns." The children shrugged their shoulders down, left and right alternately to imitate the horns.
Izibongo (Field Card)
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These praises were recited by an old woman of about 80 years after the official type of praise. She recalls conversations of the Queen Mother of the Swazi.
Izibongo (Track)
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These praises were recited by an old woman of about 80 years after the official type of praise. She recalls conversations of the Queen Mother of the Swazi.
Izibongo zika Botha Sigcau (Track)
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