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Yando (Track)
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A dance for festive occasions. The Buudu is a Bantu tribe which has moved across westwards from the Ruwenzori mountains about 300 miles to the present locality. They are unusually dark-skinned for Bantu and use a variety of musical instruments, relying mostly on slit drums for their dance music. Slit drums are com...
Yazula incabeni endzala = Now he’s afraid of the older one (Track)
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It is customary for young men of similar age to roam about handsomely dressed, and engage similar groups from nearby villages in stick fighting.
Ye chikoro (Track)
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A tune after the style of the 'Makolwa' (converts to Christianity) with all the simplicity of melody - lack of sublety and false (iambic) accent. It is a clever skit on the style of performance introduced by the teachers into most African schools.
Ye magwaza (Track)
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This song was sung at an informal drinking party at a friend's hut. The singers were not informed beforehand and sang as they sat around on the ground at the party. The host's name, Nzomzoloni Mzelani.
Yekhwela sekhwele (Track)
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This song is said to be sung by the Swazis recruited for the Mines -- on their way to join. The bow was stressed, the two segments being 35" and 39" long, the longer, more bass, note being held uppermost.
Yelina (Track)
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Yelina, Yelina, Yelina-e! Yelina timphinjili tanji ta m'matako tosacoka, Mwadula mwana akwegwano mwahizaye. -- (as written) "Yelina, what are those charms around your waist? You have risked the life of your baby and may lose him." A young woman has been seen weaving a string of wooden beads as a charm around her w...
Yinina ke we Sponono (Track)
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Amongst other things, the singers say: "What is it that girl has rubbed into her face? She has rubbed butter all over her face and she calls it face cream!"
Yo baba ngonile (Track)
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An old Ngoni wedding song sung by seven old women with a man giving the 'Ndicindici' -- (praises). The women start by bending down. One singing the words, the others humming and singing together as they stand in line with typical Zulu type actions of body and hands.
Yohane ulembe kalata (Track)
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Note how the song becomes faster and the pitch rises. It is an old traditional song of the Nyasa Ngoni and appears to stem from the Zulu side of their culture.
