Browse Titles - 130 results


We mukashi Namulenga, nshakupile kuwama = My wife, Namulenga, I did not marry you for your beauty (Track)
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My wife, Namulenga, I did not marry you for your beauty. Cook some food now, the cock has already crowed.' The player was blind and his wife sat beside him tapping the back of his instrument with a stick and singing. He himself held his Mumamba on the ground and beat the base of it with his right knee as he played...
Wezulu walila (II) (Track)
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This song was sung, they say, when the white man first came to their country at the turn of the century. Unlike the local people they used a whistle to give words of command and it was a novelty at the time, and so found its way into folk song.
Yando (Track)
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A dance for festive occasions. The Buudu is a Bantu tribe which has moved across westwards from the Ruwenzori mountains about 300 miles to the present locality. They are unusually dark-skinned for Bantu and use a variety of musical instruments, relying mostly on slit drums for their dance music. Slit drums are com...
Yelina (Track)
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Yelina, Yelina, Yelina-e! Yelina timphinjili tanji ta m'matako tosacoka, Mwadula mwana akwegwano mwahizaye. -- (as written) "Yelina, what are those charms around your waist? You have risked the life of your baby and may lose him." A young woman has been seen weaving a string of wooden beads as a charm around her w...
Yohane ulembe kalata (Track)
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Note how the song becomes faster and the pitch rises. It is an old traditional song of the Nyasa Ngoni and appears to stem from the Zulu side of their culture.
Zapoke muchere uno (Track)
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A typical song from the Lundazi District which makes use of the local variety of yodeling and chorus. The recording was made in a hall which gives a false acoustic to the song which as a folk song should be heard in the open air.
Zore I (Track)
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2 Chohodwani drums, hanging on poles (beaters) pegged, closed. 1 Shikulu drum. Big drum on ground, hand beaten, wine barrel. 2 Kirisu drums on ground beaters pegged, open. 1 Tsakara corrugated iron strip on supports, 6 ft. long. 1 Punzu sable antelope horn. The 2 Kisisu drums were played by one man who beat an irr...
Zore II (Track)
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3 Chohodwani drums, hanging on poles (beaters) pegged, closed. 1 Shikulu drum. Big drum on ground, hand beaten, wine barrel. 2 Kirisu drums on ground beaters pegged, open. 1 Tsakara corrugated iron strip on supports, 6 ft. long. 1 Punzu sable antelope horThe 2 Kisisu drums were played by one man who beat an irregu...
Zore III (Track)
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3 Chohodwani drums, hanging on poles (beaters) pegged, closed. 1 Shikulu drum. Big drum on ground, hand beaten, wine barrel. 2 Kirisu drums on ground beaters pegged, open. 1 Tsakara corrugated iron strip on supports, 6 ft. long. 1 Punzu sable antelope horThe 2 Kisisu drums were played by one man who beat an irregu...
