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Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #64, Type of Music: Boyobi, Geedal
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '16. 1992'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – 'Boyobi 24 Oct. (continued from 15B)' [Nb. this is continued from 1997.21.2.63 Side B - Noel Lobley 02/06/2010]'

Side B: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Boyobi 24 Oct (concluded) (about h...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #65, Type of Music: Geedal, Boyobi
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '17. Likumbi/ Mombongo 1992'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '28 Oct. night: geedal in mbanjo (mostly Mamadu, 1 piece Bajama, a few by Esanga), with percussion and soft singing (incl. Mokoko, Mowanja, Lalié, Bwanga, Johnny, Mandubu)'

Side B: Louis S...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #66, Type of Music: Boyobi
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Nov. Boyobi (continued from 17B) part 2' [Nb. 17B= 1997.21.2.65 Side B. Also continues on 1997.21.2.67 side A - Noel Lobley 02/06/2010]

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #67, Type of Music: Boyobi, Lingoku
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '19. 1992. Mombongo/ Yondumbé'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Nov. 1st: Boyobi (p.3, continued from 18). 2. (from almost halfway) Nov. 2 (dawn & sunrise): Boyobi, resumed and concluded (2 bush mokoondi) after a sleep 2 hours' [Nb. Continued f...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #68, Type of Music: Eboka, Limboku, Ejengi
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Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. Eboka for Poli (?). Limboku in distance (for Poli) 20. # . ?'

Side B: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1992. 1. Limboku (conclusion). 2. Eboka for Poli (?). Boyobi (for Poli?) [Part of the 3-day Boyobi for her] Probably this is later the same...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #71, Type of Music: Geedal, Ejengi, Esimé
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '23. (1992). Ejengi'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. 6 Dec. Night: Balonyona geedal. 2. 7 Dec: Ejengi songs & esimé (complete). 3. ibid. 4. ibid.: fragment of esimé. 5. ibid song (very loud). 6. ibid: scene towards end. 7-9. 8 Dec. evening:...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #72, Type of Music: Ejengi
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '24. 1992'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '(no Njongé) Ejengi 12th. 1-2. 12th December Ejengi (continued). 3. Popping leaves, declaiming (excellent). 4. Song in Ejengi's lair (recorded from gate). 5. Women starting up in camp. Ejengi 14 Dec. 6....

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #74, Type of Music: Boyobi
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1993. Moala 1/ Yondumé'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '000-027 (11 April - noon) camp scene: the bees (possibly a useable seq.). 027-043 Ngongongo's rising whistle (part of) (11 April, late afternoon). 043-075* (ibid.) 2 Ngongongo's rising so...

Cassette of Bayaka Music and Sounds #75, Type of Music: Geedal, Ejengi, Esimé,  Eboka, Elanda, Yeyi
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Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1993. NS 1'

Side A: Louis Sarno's notes on liner card (ms ink) – '1. 29 March night (quarter moon). Ejengi song.// 2. Ibid. Ejengi song & esimé. 3. Ibid. Gongé on flute. 4. ibid. Balonyona on geedal.// 5. 1 April (night) w/ approaching storm: ejengi'

Side B: Louis Sar...

