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Amandi phikila kholowa (Track)
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Sweet potato leaves are frequently used with monkey nuts as a dish in this region, it is said. "Panali munthu wina amene anapita kukaceza Kwa munthu wina amene anali ndi ukhuku Zambiri kana pamupatsa chakudya Anamuphikira kholowa. Anandiphikila kholowa ukhuka ili Kh ale sindingayiwale ee." (as written by the perfo...
Amapoyisa ahlal esangweni = The police are at the gate (Track)
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This song is sung as the people approach the Kraal. 'The Police are at the gate We are made to obey the laws of the land.'
Amati akatambe tilawe (Track)
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Three Mcoma dance songs for women and girls, with 2 goblet drums, one weighted and whistles (-11.515-). "She wanted to go dancing, but she got into trouble and could not go." The girls stand in a circle and come out in pairs prancing a few steps in the centre of the circle. They retire and the next two come out u...
Ambiga (Track)
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The singer's face resembled the West African mask with extremely slanting eyes. He sang with his Mbira pressed against the side of his face giving a strange impression of a spirit out of the forest.
Ambikanire une (Track)
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The song started in Yao and ended in Chewa. A song sung by the boys when they are alone in the veld after their circumcision to keep away lions at night. (The part of the song so sung by the initiates is in Arabic.)
Ambila baBemba na baLamba (Track)
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The Chisanzhi Mbira is the traditional type of the district: The basket rattle is a well-made woven article with a handle
Ameta mpala wamaliro (Track)
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"Ameta mpala wamaliro sizale de abweleka de Ameta mpala wamaliro dzsoneni, dzsoneni! Sizale de yobwele kela de." "He shaves his head after the funeral. The scissors are broken, he borrowed them. The scissors are broken, come and see, come and see. Borrowwed scissors, broken." All relatives, both male and female, s...
Ametela metela (Track)
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The one stringed lute has a wooden bowl for a reasonator with a sound hole on its side. The string is strained with a peg but final tuning is achieved by means of a straining string. It is bowed by a reed or bamboo bow with spittle and the fingering is achieved by gripping the string with the inside of the second...
Amtheka cingondo (Track)
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At the initiation of girls after the girls have been clothed and are taken to the place of initiation the woman officiating puts a heavy clay hat on the girls' head. The girls sing "They have put on the clay hats. Yours, my friend, suits you very well."
