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Nkhendanga uteka ukwenka zeza (Field Card)
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An authentic Tutsi song in free moving recitative style. The two singers were the leading dancers of Chief Biniga's Ntore team.
Odhiambo Odet (Field Card)
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Odhiambo is a wonderful person with eyes so bright he could even see to write in the dark. When he was named as a child all the birds and beasts came round to see this remarkable babe.
Okelo Oyuga (Field Card)
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"Okelo you gave me a goat. I came to your house and you gave me cigarettes. Then I asked to have a word with you and you stayed to converse with me. You are kind. You are a good friend of mine."
Omukazi owazaire enkirungu (Field Card)
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The first story is about a man who was born and grew up inside a hard stonelike skin. It was not until a beautiful girl agreed to marry him that his stoney casing fell away.
Samaza (Field Card)
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"I am afraid of you chief because you are cunning as a leopard and you might kill me tomorrow." The singer, who is well known for leading this kind of song, had a very troublesome cough in the first item.
Seeta le kgwale mosesetho (Field Card)
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"Tumediso madume monyegae Nonyana Madume. Madume monyegse thebe ke beakae." "Greet, Greetings, owner of the home. Bird greetings. Greetings! Owner of the home, Where do I put the shield?" "Bird greetings" implies that the people are the Chief's small birds. The singers are using a local Pedi dialect of Kgatla.
