Browse Titles - 396 results


in Records of U.S. Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter) (RG338), of United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Federal Records (14 May 1945), French-Italian Border Dispute Correspondence, Franco-Italian Border Dispute, June - July 1945 , 4 page(s)
Getty Images - 1998-1999: Kosovo War
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(Seattle, WA: Getty Images), 22 page(s)
Semi-graphic images of human bodies This item also contains graphic content.
(Seattle, WA: Getty Images), 22 page(s)
In the Name of the Emperor
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directed by Christine Choy, 1953-; produced by Christine Choy, 1953- and Nancy Tong (New York, NY: Filmakers Library, 1997), 53 mins
This is the only American documentary film to examine the Rape of Nanjing, December 13, 1937, when the Japanese Imperial troops marched into this city in China. In just six weeks they murdered 300,000 civilians, and systematically raped and killed thousands of women. Today, the Japanese government continues to den...
directed by Christine Choy, 1953-; produced by Christine Choy, 1953- and Nancy Tong (New York, NY: Filmakers Library, 1997), 53 mins
