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Mande mpa khomo (Field Card)
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This song is sung by people after drinking on their way home; the crowd echoing the words of the two principak singers. This style of singing is very common among the Nyanja people near Zomba.
Mawilu wei ushala limani (Track)
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Matwilu, is a man whose wife has deserted him and the people, sympathising with him, suggest he take another one. The personal problems of well known people in the community are frequently aired in this way, thus creating a certain public opinion and bringing presure to bear upon individuals to conform to the loca...
Mbuya wasika waye (Field Card)
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Many men from the tribe on the eastern border of S. Rhodesia come 400 miles across the territory to this coal mine at Wankie near the Victoria Falls where the song was recorded. This song was taken from a girl's song, often used they say, while grinding corn or millet on the grinding stone.
Mohodo (Track)
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Mohodo is from the English 'order' or 'credit'. "Wamalicha wontaganya toho Mohodo wa di sherene Naririra ngawo." "Wamalidha confuses me, An order of ten shillings! We are crying about it." Womalichi adds to their worries by asking for credit for ten shillings when no one has any such money to play with.
Mupukumo (Track)
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The scale of this instrument was: -- 592, 544, 504, 456, 424, 376, 340, 308, 280, 252, 228 vs. With the exception of the two intervals of the scale all the remainder are approximately 1 1/2 semitone each. The intervals measured in cents are: -- 126, 208, 174, 172, 165, 182, 173 cents. This tune follows closely upo...
Musala (Track)
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"The Chief wants me to work! The Commandant wants me to work! The Notables want me to work! The Europeans want me to work! Madam tells me to work! The Doctor tells me to work! Everyone wants me to work!"
Najele (Field Card)
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"The beads around your neck, Najele, I am tire." Najele was the name of his wife.
Najele (Track)
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"The beads around your neck, Najele, I am tire." Najele was the name of his wife.
Ndaluza ine (Track)
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"Talking behind your back is not good, This is mmy wife's song. Let us sing it well. The old men sing it at drinking parties." The simple tune played on the Karigo follows the tone pattern of the words of the refrain.
