
Clip title From title Owner Annotation Duration/Pages Date added Embed
Reasoning for Breakfast Program Mayday
Stephanie Sandoval
21 Apr 2024
Reasons for investigation The Lavender Scare
13 Dec 2022
Reasons for outbreak of war (geopolitical) World War I
Dr B
This clip provides background on the geopolitical dimensions of the outbreak of World War I
23 Mar 2022
Rebellion in Newark NJ Revolution '67
In Newark, NJ, Puerto Rican Studies emerges in response to pressure within and without the academic institution. Whereas African-Americans and Puerto Ricans in the City of Newark each engaged in rebellions, reference to the historical events of July 1967 and September 1974, had long figured in the historical record as riots. But here you see Clement Price, my former colleague, describing these events as a justified rebellion against decades of abuse and exclusion.
20 May 2018
Rebels & Redcoats (Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), 2003) Episode I: The Shot Heard Around the World
Kathleen Saylor, Alexander Street Press
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24 Jun 2013
Rebels & Redcoats (Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), 2003) Episode II: American Crisis: 1776
Kathleen Saylor, Alexander Street Press
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24 Jun 2013
Rebels & Redcoats (Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), 2003) Episode III: The War Moves South
Kathleen Saylor, Alexander Street Press
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24 Jun 2013
REBT - Webster
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7 Apr 2011
REBT and coaching
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5 Feb 2013
Rebuilding Indian Country Rebuilding Indian Country
It's the story of nearly 375,000 people: men, women, and children, in the ordering of whose lives, all citizens of the United States participate in discharge of obligations set up by treaty and by law. Men, women, and children in every state and the District of Columbia, but resident in greatest numbers in the West and Southwest, where 90% of the 51 million acres in the country's 265 Indian reservations are situated. It's the story of an outdoor people who live on farms and ranches, in the forests and in the desert. Forest and stream, where abundant wildlife provided everything the hunter needed for his subsistence are naturally associated with the American Indian. Happily situated are those tribes whose reservations stretched through northern United States from Minnesota west, among them, the Chippewas, formally the Ojibwes, and the Menominees. Now they live in cabins in the same forests their forbears hunted, homes which afford better protection from the region's winters. Many of their poetic beliefs are still marked. Spirit rock has crumbled, but countless generations of Indians who adored it have not crumbled with it nor greatly diminished in numbers.
27 Oct 2017
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