
Title Description Owner Items Date added Delete Copy Embed
French newsreels Fiona Carr 3 12 Feb 2013
Clips for College: Transgender Transgender is the state where one's gender identity does not match the biological sex identified by others. Jordan White, Alexander Street Press 3 12 Feb 2013
Clips for College: Rwanda Rwanda, a small East African nation with over 11 million people, is one of three nations where mountain gorillas call home. It is also the site of a terrible 1994 genocide in which over 500,000 people were killed as a result of ethnic competition and tension between the Hutu and Tutsi peoples. Jordan White, Alexander Street Press 5 11 Feb 2013
Clips for College: Martha Graham Martha Graham, an American modern dancer and choreographer, was one of the most influential artists in her medium over her 70+ year career. Active from the 1920s until her death in 1991, Graham ushered in a new era in modern dance with works such as "Chronicle" and "Clytemnestra" and the founding of her Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance. Jordan White, Alexander Street Press 3 11 Feb 2013
Clips for College: Marketing This collection looks at the topic of marketing, exploring the key concepts and techniques in use today. Jordan White, Alexander Street Press 10 11 Feb 2013
Chinese New Year Playlist to celebrate the Chinese New Year 2013 - year of the snake Liz Dutton (Music Editor) 14 11 Feb 2013
Clips for College: Holocaust One of the darkest periods in human history, the Holocaust was the mass murder of approximately six million Jews during World War II, a systematic program of genocide conducted by the Nazi regime in Germany led by Adolph Hitler. [Warning: Graphic images - viewer discretion is advised.] Jordan White, Alexander Street Press 15 7 Feb 2013
Clips for College: Thomas Jefferson This collection highlights the life and legacy of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States of America. Jordan White, Alexander Street Press 15 6 Feb 2013
Dec 2012 new content highlights a sampling of new titles added to the collection in Nov-Dec 2012 Greg Urquhart 4 19 Dec 2012
Tribute to Jonathan Harvey This playlist is a compilation of great works by Jonathan Harvey. Liz Dutton (Music Editor) 7 5 Dec 2012
