Featured playlist:  Music Appreciation: Expanded Anthology by Danielle Sargent, Alexander Street

This playlist features an extensive list of audio, videos and scores of the most important works in Western art music from the Middle Ages through the 21st century. This playlist includes all works found in the Music Appreciation: Essential Anthology, as well as additional works that have been selected to provide more coverage and flexibility for the Music Appreciation course.
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These works serve as clear examples of the fundamentals of music, such as melody, harmony, dynamics, rhythm, and texture.
22 Oct 2013
These works from composers such as Hildegard of Bingen, Josquin Desprez, and Guillaume Machaut demonstrate the early innovations in music including organum, instrumental dance music, and madrigals.
22 Oct 2013
The Baroque era (1600-1750) saw a rise of instrumental works and the introduction of new genres, such as opera, oratorio, and the concerto grosso, by composers such as Monteverdi, Handel, Bach, and Vivaldi.
22 Oct 2013
The reign of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven, the Classical era of music (1730-1820) was greatly impacted by new ideals brought about by the Enlightenment. The piano, a relatively new invention, rose in popularity, and the symphony found its place as one of the most important genres in all of Western art music.
22 Oct 2013
The development of piano works, the symphony, and opera continued through the Romantic era (1815-1910). While art music up to this point had been dominated by Italian, French, and German composers, composers emerged from other regions of Europe, such as Russia, Bohemia and Scandinavia, to cultivate and showcase a nationalist style.
22 Oct 2013
The age of "-isms" - impressionism, expressionism, serialism, primitivism, neoclassicism, minimalism - the past 120 years have seen the most radical and fast-paced changes to music. Composition of art music was influenced more than ever by the sounds of popular music and the introduction of electronics, leading composers to experiment with the idea of what constituted music. Harmony, melody, rhythm, texture: all fundamentals of music came into question as reactionary "schools" of composers explored the world of sound.
22 Oct 2013
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